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Hex and the City

Dec 19, 2021

As we move through yesterday's Full Moon in Gemini, increased focus on relationships is highlighted: specifically, how our relationship with ourselves and others has evolved since Gemini season. We also move toward Yule and the Winter Equinox this Tuesday, December 21st, celebrating the return of the sun as the days in...

Dec 12, 2021

As Mars moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Monday Dec 13th, we move into the lighter part of Sagittarius season as the majority of the recalibration and release called for occurred from Scorpio season through the first half of Sagittarius. This week reminds us to lean into vulnerability with Temperance as we open up...

Dec 5, 2021

As we move past yesterday's powerful solar eclipse energy, we hold greater capacity, based on what we cleared throughout Scorpio season and the waning moon period of Sagittarius, to allow in what now aligns for us. Temperance helps us to finish up any final defragging and malware removal before stepping into the...

Nov 28, 2021

Welcome to Sagittarius season with the Temperance Card bringing in some much needed balance and alchemy. We're also working with the Jupiter-ruled Wheel of Fortune bringing in opportunities for evolution and expansion that may have seemed previously out of reach, as well as the Three of Wands, bringing good news...

Nov 21, 2021

Eclipse season is officially here as we transit from Scorpio into Sagittarius. This week we move through our last week of The Tower and Scorpio-ruled Death card releases with perspectives gained through Five of Cups Reversed as we're guided back inward with The Hermit. We also chat with world-renowned afterlife...